Downloading MIMIC-CXR-JPG data from Google cloud
Custom HTTP client with and GitHub Go SDK
Writing HTTP client middleware in Go
Kiwi PyCon XI Talk - Middleware Patterns for your Applications
PyCon US 2022 Talk - Implementing Shared Functionality Using Middleware
Pyodide, PyScript - Monkey patching requests
It's hard to not become a computer user
On my learning style and a new book!
Shallow copy and Deep copy in Go
Go - Append behavior in option values using flag package
The "go test" command, os.Stdin and testing interactive input
Use of "transparent" in computing
PyCon AU 2021 Talk - Planning for Failure using Chaos Engineering
Named return values in Go
Check Go Module Path Validity
Concurrency safe file access in Go
Embedding files in Go using the "embed" package
Authentication between services using Kubernetes primitives
Static and dynamic checks for your Kubernetes workloads
Using Gatekeeper in Kubernetes
Getting started with Go plugin package
Kubernetes pod security policies
How to Set up Log Forwarding in a Kubernetes Cluster Using Fluent Bit
Sorting pages by last modified date in Hugo
Using cloud custodian to ensure compliance across AWS resources
Restricting attributes that can be set in Python
On managing Kubernetes YAML manifests
Correlated error logging
Using Go for automating infrastructure and operations work
Jenkins Docker Workflow plugin - A look at inside()
Bash function and exiting early
User access management on AWS Kubernetes cluster
Notes on Go
Notes on Kubernetes
Nginx - redirecting non-www to www hostnames
Notes on Bash auto-completion on Linux
Notes on PostgreSQL
Nginx + strace
Nginx and geoip lookup with geoip2 module
Generate yourself some Terraform code from TOML
Getting a docker container's stdout logs into a variable on Linux
ASP.NET Compilation and other files don't mix
Poor man's zero downtime deployment setup using Traefik
Scheduled task to prune docker images on Windows server
Ephemeral source port ranges and docker build
AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group and Initial Auto Scaling lifecycle hook
Hard Links and Soft/Symbolic Links on Linux
Let's Encrypt, GoDadday DNS and IIS server
Fedora Scientific Vagrant boxes are here!
On sane defaults in sofware tools
AWS VPC subnets and Internet connectivity over IPv4
flyway baseline Introducing flyway migrations into existing database
Git Staging partial changes in a file
Building Fedora Vagrant boxes for VirtualBox using Packer
flyway, SQL server and non-empty schema?
Examples of consuming data in Go templates
Download a file using `curl` - How hard can it get?
Docker userns-remap and system users on Linux
AWS Private Route53 DNS and Docker containers
AWS Network ACLs and ephemeral port ranges
Managing AWS lambda functions from start to finish with Terraform
On running Windows Docker containers
Powershell Measuring seconds elapsed
Using Terraform with consul remote backend
Pre-release Fedora Scientific Vagrant Boxes
A demo plugin based Python code analyser
Video PYCON US 2018 Talk - Counter, Gauge, Oh my!
PYCON US 2018 talk Counter, Gauge, Upper 90 - Oh my!
Fedora Scientific 28 is here!
How does ping roughly work over IPv4 on Linux?
Notes on using Cloudflare DNS over HTTPS
Fedora Scientific 28 Beta
Setting up AWS EC2 Assume Role with Terraform
Automatic building and publishing DEB packages for Go applications
Detecting RLO character in Python
Sorted Sets in Redis from CLI, Python and Golang
Python Using specific git commits of third party packages
Why RPC in Microservices instead of HTTP?
C/C++ Scientific Programming Libraries and Tools
Data in C
Data in C and CPython
Data in CPython
Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) in C
Quick and dirty debian packages for your Go application
Your options for monitoring multi-process Python applications with Prometheus
Linux System Mining with Python
Doing something before systemd shuts your supervisord down
Setting up OpenVPN client with systemd template unit files
Compilation and Interpretation in C and CPython
Notes on Vim
Tip Terraform and AWS Security Group rules in EC2 classic
Tip MySQL - Too many connections
Using Travis CI to publish to GitHub pages with custom domain
Getting started with gRPC and Python
Tip Rotating video frames using iMovie
Brief overview of using consul tags
Add an additional host entry to docker container
Monitoring Python applications with Prometheus
User-defined networks in Docker for inter-container communication on Linux
HandlerFunc, Handle and DefaultServeMux in Go
Doing Math with Python Humble Bundle
Introducing distributed tracing in your Python application via Zipkin
Notes on using Go to write gitbackup
QueueLogger and Python JSON Logger
Setup Go 1.8 and gb on Fedora (and other Linux distributions)
Setup Go on Fedora 24 (and other Linux distributions)
Presentation slides with Jupyter Notebook
New article Write a program to tee output using Rust
runC and libcontainer on Fedora 23/24
New article Write an Image Cropping program with Go
Did your Fedora live cd build fail?
Replacing boto S3 mocks using moto in Python
tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() in Python
Mock objects and non-existent attributes/methods in Python
Data only Docker containers
A virtualenv first approach to Python projects
PYTHONHASHSEED and your tests
Mounting a docker volume on SELinux enabled host
Standalone open source puppet setup on Fedora
Fedora 22 Scientific
Remapping http//