Docker userns-remap and system users on Linux

In this post, we learn how we can make use of docker’s user namespacing feature on Linux in a CI/build environment to avoid running into permission issues. Using user namespacing also keeping things a bit sane without adopting sub-optimal alternatives.


Let’s consider that we are leveraging docker in a continuous integration (CI)/build environment and the usage scenario looks as follows:

  1. CI agent/slave runs as an unpriviliged user agent on the host
  2. agent clones the repository during a build on the host
  3. The build happens in a docker container spawned by scripts running as agent with the repository volume mounted

On a new build, the agent doesn’t do a fresh clone if a clone already exists, but instead does a git clean followed by git fetch of the commit. Here’s is what’s going to happen: the agent is going to get a permission denied when a git clean is attemped.

In Step 3 above, when the build was done in the container, the build process was running as root user. Since the repository was volume mounted, contents written to the repository directory will show up as being owned by the root user on the host. Hence, when agent tries to cleanup the directory on the next build, it gets a permission denied.

What do we do? We could run the CI agent as root user - avoid it. Or, figure out some way of changing back the permissions after the build. However, user namespaces via userns-remap is better than both these workarounds.

Before we get into configuring docker engine, we have a bit to learn about Linux system users and entries in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid.

System users and entries in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid

On Linux, a system user is created with -s switch to useradd. A system user doesn’t have shell access or a home directory and is most useful for running daemons and other processes, like a CI slave for example.

/etc/subuid is explained in the subuid(5) manual page. Basically, it is a file whose lines are similar to:


The first column is a username, the second column is the starting subordinate user ID that this user is allowed to use in a user namespace upto a maximum number of user IDs given by the third column. You can also see that the starting sub user ID of the second row is calculated as: Previous Starting Sub UID + the number of user IDs allowed.

The /etc/subgid is similar, but for group IDs.

When we create a non-system user, useradd adds an entry automatically to these files. However, for system users, this is not done. I am not sure why though.

docker userns-remap with system users

docker’s userns-remap feature allows us to use a default dockremap user. In this scenario, docker engine creates the user dockremap on the host and maps the root user inside a container to this user. For this user, docker also needs to have entries on the host’s /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid files. We learned in the previous paragraph that for system users entries don’t automatically get created at user creation time. Hence, the docker engine does this itself - initial commit.

This is useful when we want to avoid privilege escalation. This doesn’t work however when we want that any operation inside a container is performed as the same user as the one spawning the container - for example, the agent user. Hence, we want to specify another user on the host that the root user inside the container should map to.

Adding a subuid and subgid entry for system users

Since, we want the user inside the container to be the same user as that outside the container, we have to set the subuid starting user ID to be the same as the user ID on the host. If we don’t do this, any changes to the volume mounted directory will have a different owner/group associated with them.

This is how we can go about doing so:

$ username="agent"
$ uid=$(id -u "$username")
$ gid=$(id -g "$username")
$ lastuid=$(( uid + 65536 ))
$ lastgid=$(( gid + 65536 ))

$ sudo usermod --add-subuids "$uid"-"$lastuid" "$username"
$ sudo usermod --add-subgids "$gid"-"$lastgid" "$username"

We are now ready to enable userns-remap and specify docker engine to use the agent user.

Note that if you are trying to use this feature with a non-system user, you will have to manually modify the subuid and subgid entries so that your starting subuid is the same as the User ID.

Enabling docker's userns-remap

You could modify docker’s daemon.json file to enable userns-remap. I went with the approach of using a drop in systemd unit file to update the dockerd flags:

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
$ echo "[Service]" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-userns-remap.conf > /dev/null
$ # First clear ExecStart (
$ echo "ExecStart=" | sudo tee --append  /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-userns-remap.conf > /dev/null
$ # Now, override to apply userns-remap
$ echo "ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --userns-remap=\"agent:agent\"" | sudo tee --append  /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-userns-remap.conf > /dev/null

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$sudo systemctl restart docker

User namespace in action

Now, if we run a container and note the PID from the host:

ubuntu@ip-172-34-54-228:~$ cat /proc/18407/uid_map
         0        999      65537

Inside the container, we see:

root@028c3d79babd:/# cat /proc/1/uid_map
         0        999      65537

Please see user_namespaces(7) for description of these files.

Using third party images

One of the interesting issues I faced while using userns-remap was an error when doing a docker pull of the form: failed to register layer: Error processing tar file (exit status 1): container id xxx cannot be mapped to a host id. Once userns-remap is enabled, all docker engine operations are carried out as the user specified - not the user executing the docker client command. If an image you are pulling has files with user ID 1000, and if your subuid file entry doesn’t have space for 1000 users, it is going to fail. The solution is to have a decent enough range of users in your subuid entry.

Problem with the above

Since we have manually set the sub ordinate user IDs to start at the same ID (say, A) as the user ID, a sub-ordinate user ID B inside the container, such that B=A+N, may map to an existing user ID, C on the host and hence any changes to the volume mounted directory by a user B, will be mapped back on the host as being modified by user C.

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