Data in CPython

When writing programs in Python (CPython), you have access to data types such as a int, str, tuple, list and a dict. It is fairly obvious what each of these data types would be used to represent: an int data type would represent an integer and a list would represent a list of items - homeogeneous or heterogenous. As opposed to a language like C, the Python compiler automatically decides what type to use for your data without the need to be explicitly specified.

For example, you create an integer in Python by simply typing in the integer

>>> 1
<type 'int'>

As you can see, the compiler automatically knows that 1 is an integer. Here are a couple of more examples

>>> 1.1
>>> type(1.1)
<type 'float'>
>>> s='a string'
>>> type(s)
<type 'str'>


type() is a built-in function which returns the type of an object. What does object have to do with a string or an integer? It so happens that in Python, object is an abstraction for data. That is, each individual data item you create in a Python program are represented as Python objects (See Python data model). To make this clearer, you could create an integer or a string using the usual notation of creating an object (as in Object-oriented programming). For example

>>> int(1)
>>> str('a string')
'a string'


Now we know that every data object has a type. There are two other pieces of information associated with a data object: value and identity. The value of a data object is what is stored in it (1.1, a string, for example). The identity is a way to identify the object. In CPython, this is the memory address of the object and can be found using the id() built-in function. For example

>>> int(1)
>>> id(1)

It is important to realize that the identity of an object is unique during its lifetime and will never be the same as another object existing in the same time frame.

The result returned by id() is going to be different for you, so please keep that in mind as you work through this article.

Binding (not copying)

So far, we have created data objects in memory, but haven't seen a way to refer to them using an identifier (or what most programming languages call variables). Creating an identifier to an object is done with the = operator. For example

>>> a=1
>>> print(a)
>>> id(a)

The is operator can be used to check whether two identifiers refer to the same object.

It is common to use the term binding to refer to the above operation where we specify a=1. We have now understood that 1 is an object in memory. The = operator binds the identifier a to the object 1. Similarly, you can bind as many identifiers you want to this object. However, depending whether your object is mutable or immutable, the binding operation behaves in different ways, which we discuss in the next section.

Mutable and Immutable data types

Python categorises its data types into two categories on the basis of its mutability: mutable and immutable. int, str and tuple belong to the immutable category where as list and dict belong to the mutable category. On the surface, this seems simple enough. However, the difference manifests itself in the form of unexpected results in not-so-obvious places. This is especially applicable to someone coming from a background in other programming languages such as C, where such distinctions do not exist beyond that enforced the const qualifier.

Let us begin with an example of a not-so-obvious place where Python may lead to bewilderment. Depending on whether a data is mutable or immutable, invoking the = operator results in different outcomes. For example

>>> a=int()
>>> b=int()
>>> a is b

We now know that int is a immutable data type. Thus, once created, its value cannot be changed. Hence, when you create an empty int object, and another empty int object already exists, the new identifier simply refers to the existing object. Hence the expression a is b returns True, since both the identifiers point to the same int object.

On the other hand, when we create an empty list object, a new object is created everytime. This is because, a list is mutable, and hence changes may be made to it during its lifetime. This is illustrated below

>>> a=list()
>>> b=list()
>>> a is b

The program listings in and illustrates these concept by binding the same data object in a function scope and a class scope. In each case, an object of each type exists in the global scope and any reference to the same data value binds to the same object in case of the mutable data types.


#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

#immutable data types

print('1: {0}'.format(id(1)))

print('string: {0}'.format(id('string')))

print('tuple: {0}'.format(id(tuple())))

def func():
    a = int(1)
    s = str('string')
    t = tuple()
    print('1: {0}'.format(id(a)))
    print('string: {0}'.format(id(s)))
    print('tuple: {0}'.format(id(t)))

class A:

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = int(1)
        self.s = str('string')
        self.t = tuple()

        print('1: {0}'.format(id(self.a)))
        print('string: {0}'.format(id(self.s)))
        print('tuple: {0}'.format(id(self.t)))

if __name__=='__main__':
    a = A()
    b = A()

The output of the above program should be similar to as follows

1: 39413688
string: 140617132563168
tuple: 140617133121616
1: 39413688
string: 140617132563168
tuple: 140617133121616
1: 39413688
string: 140617132563168
tuple: 140617133121616
1: 39413688
string: 140617132563168
tuple: 140617133121616

Note, how all bindings to 1 has the same identifier value and same for string and tuple.

In the case of mutable datatypes, every object created with the same value creates a new data object.


#!/usr/bin/env python

# mutable data types: dictionary, list.

from __future__ import print_function

print('dict: {0}'.format(id(dict())))

print('list: {0}'.format(id(list())))

def func():
    d = dict()
    print('dict: {0}'.format(id(d)))

    l = list()
    print('list: {0}'.format(id(l)))

class A:

    def __init__(self):
        self.d = dict()
        self.l = list()
        print('dict: {0}'.format(id(self.d)))
        print('list: {0}'.format(id(self.l)))

if __name__=='__main__':

    a = A()
    b = A()

On executing the above program, you will see output similar to as follows

dict: 29207184
list: 139914951589968
dict: 29214192
list: 139914951590616
dict: 29214944
list: 139914951590760
dict: 29216672
list: 139914951590904

As we would expect, everytime a new list or dict object is created, a new object in memory is created and the specified binding established.

Function parameters

The mutability of data becomes an issue to programmers who have been exposed to function calling methods, popularly known as call by value and call by reference. Well, Python's parameter passing belong to neither category. It suffices to say that in Python, bindings to the actual objects are passed by the calling code to the called function. Depending on the nature of the data object that these bindings are bound to, any change to their values is either propagated to the calling code or limited to the called function.

The code listing illustrates the differences in behavior of a string (immutable) and a list and a dictionary (mutable).


#!/usr/bin/env python

""" Passing around mutable and immutable data objects

from __future__ import print_function

def func(alist, astr, adict):

    print('In func() before modification')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(astr,id(astr)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(alist,id(alist)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(adict,id(adict)))

    astr = 'b string'
    adict = dict([('python','guido')])

    print('In func() after modification')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(astr,id(astr)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(alist,id(alist)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(adict,id(adict)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    l = [1,3,4]
    d = {}
    s = 'a string'

    print('Before func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(s,id(s)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(l,id(l)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(d,id(d)))



    print('After func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(s,id(l)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(l,id(l)))
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(d,id(d)))

When you run the above program, you will see four "sets" of outputs: Before func(), In func() before modification, In func() after modification and After func(). Let us first concentrate on the first two sets of (sample) output

Before func()
a string : 140310113870784
[1, 3, 4] : 140310113732800
{} : 32276144

In func() before modification
a string : 140310113870784
[1, 3, 4] : 140310113732800
{} : 32276144

This is a confirmation that the bindings to the actual objects have been passed to func().

Next, we make changes to all the three data objects. We rebind the identifier astr to a new string (which effectively creates a new string object), append an item to alist and rebind adict to a new dictionary (which also creates a new dictionary object). This is illustrated in the output of the next set

In func() after modification
b string : 140310113870448
[1, 3, 4, 'func'] : 140310113732800
{'python': 'guido'} : 32245584

As you can see, the identifiers of the string and the dictionary are now different - as expected. The identifier of the list remains the same, even though a new item is now present in the list.

The final set of output shows the values of the three objects after returning from func()

After func()
a string : 140310113732800
[1, 3, 4, 'func'] : 140310113732800
{} : 32276144

As you can see, the changes to the string and the dictionary haven't been propagated back, whereas the list now contains the item that was added in func(). Couple of points to note here:

  • For immutable data types, modification to the value is not possible by definition. If you want change to be propagated back, return the new value from the function (as we see later).
  • In the called function, any changes to mutable data types will propagate back to the calling function, such as we saw with the list above. In the case of the dictionary, we did not change adict, but we rebound it to a new dictionary. Hence, the change was not propagated back.

In the rest of this article, I will discuss a few recipes related to working with passing data objects to functions and propagating the changes back to the calling code.


In the first recipe, we want that the changes made to the mutable data object should be propagated back. As you can guess, this is simple and the default behavior.


#!/usr/bin/env python

""" Passing mutable data objects
and returning a modified version.

from __future__ import print_function

def func(alist):

    print('In func() before modification')
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(alist,id(alist)))

    astr = alist.append('new item')

    print('In func() after modification')
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(alist,id(alist)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    l = [1,2,3]

    print('Before func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(l,id(l)))

    # since l is a mutable object, any changes
    # are automatically propagated to all other bindings

    print('After func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(l,id(l)))

Now, let's say that you don't want any change to the mutable data object in func() to be propagated back to any other copy of that object. Python's copy module comes into picture here. Using the copy() function of this module, you can create a real copy of a data object with the same value as the original one, but is actually a different memory object. The next listing demonstrates this.


#!/usr/bin/env python

""" Passing mutable data objects
so that the changes are not propagated

from __future__ import print_function
import copy

def func(alist):

    print('In func() before modification')
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(alist,id(alist)))

    astr = alist.append('new item')

    print('In func() after modification')
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(alist,id(alist)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    l = [1,2,3]

    print('Before func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(l,id(l)))

    # since l is a mutable object, any changes
    # are automatically propagated to all other bindings
    # hence, we create a *real* copy and send it

    print('After func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(l,id(l)))

The output of the above listing (and comparing it to the earlier one) shows the difference between the two

Before func()
[1, 2, 3] : 139700653598552

In func() before modification
[1, 2, 3] : 139700653651728

In func() after modification
[1, 2, 3, 'new item'] : 139700653651728

After func()
[1, 2, 3] : 139700653598552

The final recipe demonstrates how you can propagate changes to mutable data objects using the return statement.


#!/usr/bin/env python

""" Passing immutable data objects
and returning a modified version.

from __future__ import print_function

def func(astr):

    print('In func() before modification')
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(astr,id(astr)))

    astr = astr.replace('a','b')

    print('In func() after modification')
    print('{0} : {1}'.format(astr,id(astr)))

    # return the new string
    return astr

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = str('a string')

    print('Before func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(s,id(s)))

    # since s is an immutbale object, modifications
    # are not possible without creating a new object
    # with the modified string
    # recieve the modified string back as the
    # return value
    s = func(s)

    print('After func()')

    print('{0} : {1}'.format(s,id(s)))

When else to use copy()?

The copy module is useful in other situations where you want a real copy of a data object instead of another binding to the same object. The next listing demonstrates this.


#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function
import copy

# Immutable object
a = 1
b = a

# At this stage, a and b both are bound to 1.
# This changes in the next step, since I am now changing the
# value of b and int is immutable.
b = b**2+5


# Mutable object
alist = [1,2,3]
blist = alist

# At this stage, alist and blist both are bound to [1,2,3]
# Since a list is mutable, and hence any change to blist is
# also reflected back in alist



# We need to rebind alist, since it has been modified
# in the append operation above
alist = [1,2,3]

# create a real copy
blist = copy.copy(alist)

# only blist is modified.


When you run the above code, you should see the following output

1 6

[1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3, 4]

The above example also illustrates another aspect of immutable data objects. When an immutable data object has multiple bindings, changes to the value of one binding is not propagated to other bindings, since a new object is created with the new value. For example

>>> a=1
>>> b=a
>>> a is b
>>> a=5
>>> a is b
>>> a
>>> b

Thus we can loosely say that in case of immutable data objects, the = operation does indeed behave like a copy operation in a language like C.

This is different from mutable data objects where the change in one binding is propagated to all others

>>> a=[]
>>> b=a
>>> c=a
>>> a.append(1)
>>> a
>>> b
>>> c


While writing the experimental code for this article and the article itself, I taught myself an area of Python which often left me stumped. I have certainly gained quite a bit of insight into mutable and immutable data types and this will enable me to think a little more about working with data objects during passing them to functions and creating a copy to modify (such as in multiple threads).

In a next article, I plan to write on variables, data representation and passing parameters to functions in C highlighting the differences from Python.

Resources and References