Nginx and geoip lookup with geoip2 module

I wanted to setup Nginx logging so that it would perform GeoIP lookup on the IPv4 address in the X-Forwarded-For header. Here’s how I went about doing it on CentOS 7.

This nginx module integrates Maxmind GeoIP2 database with the RPMs being available by

Once I had installed the module, the hard part for me was how to get the data I wanted - city, timezone information and others from nginx and the geoip2 module integration. This is where mmdblookup helped tremendously.


mmdblookup can be used to read a MaxMind DB file for an IP address and query various information. To install:

# yum -y install libmaxminddb-devel

We need to give it a path to the DB file and the IP address and it spits out all that it finds out. For example:

$ mmdblookup --file /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb --ip 

          2147714 <uint32>
              "Sydney" <utf8_string>
              "Sydney" <utf8_string>
              "Sídney" <utf8_string>
              "Sydney" <utf8_string>
              "シドニー" <utf8_string>
              "Sydney" <utf8_string>
              "Сидней" <utf8_string>
              "悉尼" <utf8_string>
          "OC" <utf8_string>
          6255151 <uint32>
              "Ozeanien" <utf8_string>
              "Oceania" <utf8_string>
              "Oceanía" <utf8_string>
              "Océanie" <utf8_string>
              "オセアニア" <utf8_string>
              "Oceania" <utf8_string>
              "Океания" <utf8_string>
              "大洋洲" <utf8_string>
          2077456 <uint32>
          "AU" <utf8_string>
              "Australien" <utf8_string>
              "Australia" <utf8_string>
              "Australia" <utf8_string>
              "Australie" <utf8_string>
              "オーストラリア" <utf8_string>
              "Austrália" <utf8_string>
              "Австралия" <utf8_string>
              "澳大利亚" <utf8_string>
          5 <uint16>
          -33.859100 <double>
          151.200200 <double>
          "Australia/Sydney" <utf8_string>
          "2000" <utf8_string>
          2077456 <uint32>
          "AU" <utf8_string>
              "Australien" <utf8_string>
              "Australia" <utf8_string>
              "Australia" <utf8_string>
              "Australie" <utf8_string>
              "オーストラリア" <utf8_string>
              "Austrália" <utf8_string>
              "Австралия" <utf8_string>
              "澳大利亚" <utf8_string>
            2155400 <uint32>
            "NSW" <utf8_string>
                "New South Wales" <utf8_string>
                "Nouvelle-Galles du Sud" <utf8_string>
                "Nova Gales do Sul" <utf8_string>
                "Новый Южный Уэльс" <utf8_string>

Now, let’s say we only wanted the name of the city in english, we would do something like this:

$ mmdblookup --file /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb --ip city names en

"Sydney" <utf8_string>

If you look at the first “object” in the output above, you will see that the above three arguments, city names en is almost like accessing a nested key inside a dictionary. I say almost, becomes it’s not a JSON format. Anyway, this was the key thing I needed to learn to be able to write the right things in my nginx configuration.

Logging the GeoIP decoded data

This is how the relevant nginx configuration for GeoIP2 lookup looked like:

http {

    geoip2 /etc/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb {
        auto_reload 5m;
        $geoip2_metadata_country_build metadata build_epoch;
        $geoip2_data_country_code default=US source=$http_x_forwarded_for country iso_code;
        $geoip2_data_country_name source=$http_x_forwarded_for country names en;

    geoip2 /etc/GeoLite2-City.mmdb {
        $geoip2_data_city_name source=$http_x_forwarded_for city names en;
        $geoip2_data_time_zone source=$http_x_forwarded_for location time_zone;


If you look at the two geoip2 sections, you can see how I am feeding the value in the http_x_forwarded_for variable as the source for the IP lookup. This is how I understand how the above is working with inline comments:

# this is similar to specfying --file /etc/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
geoip2 /etc/GeoLite2-City.mmdb {
        # This is assigning a variable $geoip2_data_city_name to the value of:
        # mmdblookup --file /etc/GeoLite2-City.mmdb --ip $http_x_forwarded_for city names en
        $geoip2_data_city_name source=$http_x_forwarded_for city names en;
        # This is assigning a variable $geoip2_data_time_zone to the value of:
        # mmdblookup --file /etc/GeoLite2-City.mmdb --ip $http_x_forwarded_for location time_zone
        $geoip2_data_time_zone source=$http_x_forwarded_for location time_zone;

The explanations for the GeoLite2-Country DB is similar. Then later on in the nginx configuration, we log the value of this variables in JSON format. A complete nginx.conf is here.

Multiple IP addresses in X-Forwarded-For

What happens when your X-Forwarded-For has a chain of IP addresses: <UserIP>, <LB>, <API gateway>? We need to extract the user ip from this list and then perform GeoIP lookup on it. We will make use nginx’s map module (thanks to this answer:

map $http_x_forwarded_for $realip {
        ~^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) $1;
        default $remote_addr;

We default to $remote_addr if we don’t have any IP address in $http_x_forwarded_for and then update our GeoIP lookup as follows:

geoip2 /etc/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb {
        $geoip2_data_country_code default=US source=$realip country iso_code;
        $geoip2_data_country_name source=$realip country names en;

An updated complete nginx.conf is here.

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