Notes on Bash auto-completion on Linux

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What happens when you press <command> <TAB> or <command> <TAB><TAB>? You get a bunch of suggestions with one of them just the one you had in mind you were going to type. Auto completions in shells are super helpful and as we will find out, quite a bit goes on behind the scenes. Before we go too further into my investigations and findings, I must credit the author of this blog post - it triggered my curiosity and made me find time out to learn more about something I use everyday, but didn’t know much about how it worked.

Let’s learn more about the minions that gets to work when we press <TAB> or <TAB><TAB> on a popular Linux shell, bash.

Setting up

Let’s get a fresh Fedora 30 VM in a Vagrant box and set it up:

$ vagrant box add --name Fedora-30

Create a Vagrantfile with the following contents:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "Fedora-30"

  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.memory = "2048"

Then, let’s bring up the VM:

$ vagrant up

Once the VM is up, let’s SSH into it:

$ vagrant ssh

Once we are in the VM:

 $ sudo dnf remove bash-completion
 $ sudo dnf install bpftrace
 $ curl -o
 $ curl -o

On a terminal, (Terminal 1), type in $ git <TAB><TAB> (the space between git and <TAB><TAB> is important). The only suggestions you get will be the files in the directory you are in. Not very helpful suggestions, you say. I know - and that’s because we uninstalled a package which would have magically done that for us. (bash-completion). Let’s keep it that way for now.

DIY bash completion

When we type in $git <TAB><TAB>, we expect to see suggestions of the git sub-commands, such as status, clone, and checkout. Let’s aim to achieve that.

First, create a file, /tmp/git_suggestions, put in the following snippet and make it executeable (chmod +x /tmp/git_suggestions):


echo "status"
echo "checkout"
echo "clone"
echo "branch"

This script prints four git subcommands - one on each line. Now, execute the command from Terminal 1:

$  complete -C "/tmp/git_suggestions" git

The complete bash built-in is a way to tell bash what we want it to do when we ask for completing a command. The -C option asks it to call a specified external program. There are various other options some of which we will learn later on in this post.

Next, type in git <TAB><TAB>, you will see that you are now suggested four options for your next command/option:

[vagrant@ip-10-0-2-15 temp]$ git <TAB><TAB>
branch    checkout  clone     status    

Note that each of the suggestion is a line printed by the above script. Let’s delve further into this.

Open a new terminal (Terminal 2) and execute the following:

$ sudo bpftrace ./

Now, go back to Terminal 1, and type $git <TAB><TAB>.

On Terminal 2, you will see something like:

49916      15949 /tmp/git_suggestions git

The first column is how long the external program executed for in milliseconds (the number seem weird to me, but that’s a different problem). The second column gives us the process ID and the third column shows us the external program along with the arguments it was executed it. We can see that the script /tmp/git_suggestions is executed and the command for which the auto-completion suggestions are being shown is provided as the first argument.

Now, go back to Terminal 1, and type:

$ git chec<TAB>

On Terminal 2, we will see:

189064     16701/tmp/git_suggestions git chec git

We see that the script /tmp/git_suggestions is now being called with three arguments:

Let’s discuss this a bit. When we press TAB, bash tries to find out a matching auto-completion “handler” for the command and if it finds one, invokes the handler. When invoking the handler, it calls the handler providing data about the command it is attempting to provide auto-completion suggestions for. The output of the handler is then parsed by bash and each separate line in the output is suggested as possible candidates for the auto-completion.

Let’s discuss more about the data provided to completion handlers.

Data provided to completion handlers

We will update our /tmp/git_suggestions script to be as follows:


echo "status"
echo "checkout"
echo "clone"
echo "branch"

# Print the envrionment variables relevant to bash autocompletion
env | grep COMP > /tmp/log

We add a line at the end to print all environment variables having COMP in them and log it to a file. Now, if we go back to Terminal 1, and type $git checkout <TAB><TAB>, we will again see:

$ git checkout <TAB><TAB>
branch                   clone                    checkout                 status 

Let’s display the contents of /tmp/log on Terminal 2:

$ cat /tmp/log 

These environment variables are related to autocompletion:

(As an aside, show-key is pretty cool. It shoes you the ASCII code of a presssed key).

It’s worth mentioning here that the data provided to completion handlers and how the handler sends back the suggestions is different when the handler is a shell function.

Single <TAB> and double <TAB><TAB>

It’s only while working on this article, I realized that a double <TAB><TAB> was necessary to display all the possible auto-completions in most cases. Let’s look into that. A single <TAB> will aim to complete (not list) the current command with the largest common prefix among all the suggestions. If there is no common prefix, it will not do anything.

Let’s verify that by changing the /tmp/git_suggestions script to be as follows:


echo "status"
# Print the envrionment variables relevant to bash autocompletion
env | grep COMP > /tmp/log

Since the script will now print only one value as the suggestion for auto-completion, it will complete the git command by inserting status.

Now, if we go to Terminal 1, we will see the following when we press $ git <TAB>:

$ git status

Now, let’s go back to Terminal 2, and do:

$ cat /tmp/log


Let’s compare the values of these variables to the previous double <TAB> suggestion:

Update the /tmp/git_suggestions script to be as follows:


echo "checkout"
echo "check"

# Print the envrionment variables relevant to bash autocompletion
env | grep COMP > /tmp/log

Now, let’s go back to Terminal 1, and type in: $ git <TAB>, we will now see this:

$ git check

checkout and check share the common prefix, check and hence is inserted at the cursor upon pressing a single <TAB>.

Let’s now update the /tmp/git_suggestions script as follows:


echo "checkout"
echo "branch"

# Print the envrionment variables relevant to bash autocompletion
env | grep COMP > /tmp/log

Now, if we go back to Terminal 1 and type in $git <TAB>, we will not see any completion since there is no common prefix between the two words “checkout” and “branch”.

If you have your terminal bell turned on and your computer’s speaker switched on, you should hear a bell when this happens.

Getting good old BASH completion back

Now, on Terminal 2, let’s install the bash-completion package:

$ sudo dnf install bash-completion

Then exec bash to get a new shell. On Terminal 2, run:

$ sudo bpftrace

On Terminal 1, type, in $ git <TAB>, we will not see any auto-completion being performed.

On Terminal 2, now we will see something like:

95607      1470  git --list-cmds=list-mainporcelain,others,nohelpers,alias,list-complete,config

While trying to make auto-completion suggestions, the above command is being executed. However, it seems like the suggestions do not have any common prefix, hence no completion is being performed. Let’s verify that. is a Python program, which we will use to verify this:

# thanks to
import fileinput
import os

suggestions = []
for line in fileinput.input():


Now, let’s see if the suggestions had a common prefix:

$ git --list-cmds=list-mainporcelain,others,nohelpers,alias,list-complete,config | python3

This verifies that there were no common prefix among all the suggestions and hence didn’t bring up any suggestion.

Let’s now ask the question - how did installing the bash-completion package magically bring our auto-completion machinery into motion? The short answer is a bunch of bash magic happening. Let’s see what the long answer is.

Magic of bash-completion package

Let’s start by listing all the files that this package creates on our system:

$ sudo dnf download bash-completion
$ rpm -qlp bash-completion-2.8-6.fc30.noarch.rpm 


The entry point for the completion machinery is the script /etc/profile.d/ which then sources the file /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion. It is in this file that we see a whole bunch of things happening.

As we start reading the file from the top, we see completions for various commands being setup. Let’s look at a few.

As a first example:

# user commands see only users
complete -u groups slay w sux

The -u switch of the complete command is a shortcut to specify that the auto-completion suggestions for the commands, groups, slay and sux should be the user names on the system.

The second example we will look at is:

# type and which complete on commands
complete -c command type which

Here we are specifying via the -c switch that the suggested completions for the command, type and which commands should be all possible command names on the system.

Both the above are examples of pre-defined list of auto-completions that a program author can take advantage of.

Earlier in this post, we saw how we can invoke external programs for auto-completion suggestions. We can also define shell functions. Here’s an example from the above file:

complete -F _service service

_service is a function defined in the same file which uses various other helpers and external commands to come up with the list of services on the system.

An interesting completion that is setup in this file is a “dynamic” completion handler:

complete -D -F _completion_loader

The -D switch setups a default completion handler for any command for which a compspec is not found. The default handler is set to the bash function, _completion_loader which is:

_completion_loader () 
    local cmd="${1:-_EmptycmD_}";
    __load_completion "$cmd" && return 124;
    complete -F _minimal -- "$cmd" && return 124

The __load_completion function essentially looks for a bash script named as, command-name, command-name.bash and _command-name in the following locations (preferring whichever it finds first):


If it finds one, it sources it. Let’s see it in action. On Terminal 2:

$ sudo bpftrace ./

On Terminal 1, exec bash to start a new bash shell and type in git <TAB>. On Terminal 2, we will see something like:

577    bash               2 /home/vagrant/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/git
577    bash               2 /home/vagrant/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/git.bash
577    bash               2 /home/vagrant/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/_git
577    bash               2 /usr/local/share/bash-completion/completions/git
577    bash               2 /usr/local/share/bash-completion/completions/git.bash
577    bash               2 /usr/local/share/bash-completion/completions/_git
577    bash               0 /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git

The third column in the above output is the return code of the stat system call. A non-zero number there means the file doesn’t exist. If we now create a file:

$ cat ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/git

complete -F _my_git_completion git

Now, if we exec bash and type in git <TAB>, we will see that checkout is inserted and on Terminal 2, we will see:

577    bash               0 /home/vagrant/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/git

We use the special variable COMPREPLY to send back the auto-completion suggestions to the shell.

In this section, we looked at how bash-completion enables auto-completion from a very high-level and also saw how auto-completions are looked up dynamically rather than all being loaded at the beginning of a shell session.

compgen built-in command

While looking at the contents of /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion, you may have noticed the compgen command. compgen is a shell builtin to generate a set of pre-defined completion options. For example, compgen -c will list all possible commands, compgen -f will list all the files in the current directory and compgen -d will list all the sub-directories. Further, we can use the “action” option to generate a list of signals (compgen -A signal), list of shell functions (compgen -A function) and others.

Learning more

So far, we have delved a bit into how auto-completion works in Bash, there’s definitely a lot we haven’t discussed. The following links are worth looking into:

Bash completion for applications

If you are a command line application author or someone distributing one via operating system packages, you essentially have to craft Bash completion scripts and then make sure they are registered at the beginning of a user session. The latter is usually achieved by placing the scripts in /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/<command-name> and then letting the dynamic loading machinery to automatically load the completion script when the user types in git <TAB> or git <TAB><TAB>. Of course, crafting these scripts can be non-trivial, and hence various command line frameworks support generating these scripts. Since these command line frameworks are aware of the various options, sub-commands and the flags of your application, it only makes sense to have this functionality. They also allow you to augment the generated completions with additional data as per your application’s requirements.

See this hacker news thread for pointers to a number of efforts that have been undertaken by people provide alternatives to manually writing bash completion scripts. In the thread, one of the comments is a link to Shellac Protocol Proposal which makes a proposal for how we could take a different approach to auto-completion for Linux commands. The idea is to aim for a shell aganostic approach to auto-completion that different compatible clients can take advatange of.

Next, we will see how certain projects are tackling this issue of Bash completion.

cobra (Golang), click (Python) and clap (Rust)

The cobra CLI framework supports generating Bash completions natively and is desribed in detail here. The summary version is that your application’s user can run a dedicated sub-command to generate a completion script which they can then put in an appropriate location so as to integrate it into Bash’s auto-completion machinery. Internally, cobra basically uses the various available annotations and exposed functionalities to generate the script consisting of Bash functions and using compgen and related Bash commands. I created an issue here to discuss a different approach. Essentially, what I am proposing is a way for the application to handle its own completion.python-selfcompletion is an interesting project for Python’s argparse. The click CLI framework allows generating Bash completion scripts including some customisation. Once the application has been installed, running it after setting a special environment variable will generate the auto-completion script which can then be sourced or put in an appropriate location for Bash to find and source it. The clap CLI framework supports generating shell completions natively as well. In addition, making use of a build script, the completion script can be generated automatically at build time. Similar to cobra, both click and clap generates scripts which use the Bash functions to setup auto-completion for the command line application.

complete (Golang) and shell_completion (Rust)

In most cases, Bash auto-completion scripts are primarily driven by Bash scripts. The scripts may be invoking external programs ( git --list-cmds=list-mainporcelain,others,nohelpers,alias,list-complete,config for example), but the primary driver remains Bash scripts. Two projects that aim to provide alternatives are complete(golang) and shell_completion(Rust). These projects aim to provide completion primitives such as those provided by compgen in Golang and Rust respectively.

An example of using complete is the following golang program for auto-completing a fictional command line program, myops:

# main.go
package main

import ""

func main() {

	logLevelOptions := []string{"1", "2", "3"}

	run := complete.Command{
		Sub: complete.Commands{
			"grafana": complete.Command{
				Flags: complete.Flags{
					"--grafana.url": complete.PredictAnything,
			"kibana": complete.Command{
				Flags: complete.Flags{
					"--elkUrl": complete.PredictAnything,

		// define flags of the 'run' main command
		Flags: complete.Flags{
			// a flag -o, which expects a file ending with .out after
			// it, the tab completion will auto complete for files matching
			// the given pattern.
			"-h": complete.PredictAnything,

		GlobalFlags: complete.Flags{
			"--log": complete.PredictSet(logLevelOptions...),

	complete.New("myops", run).Run()

Build and register the binary with Bash so that it is invoked during auto-completion for the myops command:

$ go build -o shell_completion main.go
$ ./shell_autocompletion --help
Usage of ./shell_autocompletion:
    	Install completion for myops command
    	Uninstall completion for myops command
  -y	Don't prompt user for typing 'yes' when installing completion

$ ./shell_autocompletion -install
Install completion for myops? y

When we run -install, it inserts the following line in the user’s ~/.bashrc:

complete -C /home/amit/work/ myops

Now, we will start getting suggestions as configured above:

$ myops grafana --log 
1  2  3  


We will end this post by peeking at where the auto-completion machinery is set to motion. Bash uses the readline library for all the command line editing, history and auto-completion support. In the bash source code, we have this line in the file bashline.c:

# bashline.c
rl_attempted_completion_function = attempt_shell_completion;

If we compile Bash from source, run it under gdb after placing a breakpoint at this function, we can see a backtrace showing the invocation of this function when we press TAB:

$ <compile bash>
$ gdb ./bash
gdb) b attempt_shell_completion
Breakpoint 1 at 0x479d00: file bashline.c, line 1434.
$ run
$  <TAB>
Breakpoint 1, attempt_shell_completion (text=0x6dd8f8 "", start=0, end=0) at bashline.c:1434
1434	  rl_ignore_some_completions_function = filename_completion_ignore;
Missing separate debuginfos, use: dnf debuginfo-install sssd-client-2.1.0-2.fc30.x86_64
(gdb) bt
#0  attempt_shell_completion (text=0x6dd8f8 "", start=0, end=0) at bashline.c:1434
#1  0x00000000004b24b9 in gen_completion_matches (text=0x6dd8f8 "", start=<optimized out>, end=<optimized out>, our_func=0x4b0000 <rl_filename_completion_function>, found_quote=<optimized out>, quote_char=<optimized out>)
    at complete.c:1209
#2  0x00000000004b2673 in rl_complete_internal (what_to_do=9) at complete.c:2013
#3  0x00000000004a8bf3 in _rl_dispatch_subseq (key=9, map=0x514a20 <emacs_standard_keymap>, got_subseq=0) at readline.c:852
#4  0x00000000004a918e in _rl_dispatch (map=<optimized out>, key=<optimized out>) at readline.c:798
#5  readline_internal_char () at readline.c:632
#6  0x00000000004a995d in readline_internal_charloop () at readline.c:659
#7  readline_internal () at readline.c:671
#8  readline (prompt=<optimized out>) at readline.c:377
#9  0x0000000000424068 in yy_readline_get () at /usr/homes/chet/src/bash/src/parse.y:1487
#10 0x0000000000426098 in yy_getc () at /usr/homes/chet/src/bash/src/parse.y:2345
#11 shell_getc (remove_quoted_newline=1) at /usr/homes/chet/src/bash/src/parse.y:2345
#12 shell_getc (remove_quoted_newline=1) at /usr/homes/chet/src/bash/src/parse.y:2264
#13 0x00000000004297fa in read_token (command=<optimized out>) at /usr/homes/chet/src/bash/src/parse.y:3249
#14 read_token (command=0) at /usr/homes/chet/src/bash/src/parse.y:3199
#15 0x000000000042d158 in yylex () at /usr/homes/chet/src/bash/src/parse.y:2758
#16 yyparse () at
#17 0x0000000000423397 in parse_command () at eval.c:303
#18 0x00000000004234a3 in read_command () at eval.c:347
#19 0x00000000004236c0 in reader_loop () at eval.c:143
#20 0x00000000004221fe in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd668, env=0x7fffffffd678) at shell.c:805

You can learn about readline here.