Downloading MIMIC-CXR-JPG data from Google cloud

I recently downloaded MIMIC-CXR-JPG, from Google cloud storage. The reason I had to eventually use Google cloud storage download was because of the suggestion that was offered for working around the bandwidth constrained servers.

These are some notes that might help someone else.

Before you get started:

  1. Right off the bat, the first thing you want to keep in mind is the bucket’s configured so that the downloader will bear the cost of network transfer. See Requester pays to learn more. It will come to about ~ 120 USD. You will need to ensure that you have a Google cloud project created and billing information configured. (You may find Google’s Research Credits program relevant and useful for your use case)
  2. You will need around ~ 570 GB disk space
  3. Complete your Physionet credentials and training
  4. Obtain access to the google cloud storage bucket by following links at physionet
  5. Setup gcloud CLI

Downloading the data

The data downloading command will be as follows:

$ gcloud storage --billing-project phd-work-427010 \ # this is how you specify what Google cloud project the transfer cost will be charged to
  cp -r   "gs://"   \
          "gs://"   \
          "gs://"   \
          "gs://"  \
          "gs://"  \
          "gs://"  \
          "gs://"  \
          "gs://" \
          "gs://"  \
          "gs://" . # this will create a directory tree inside the directory where you are executing the command from

Finding missing images

In the initial download attempt, I had a few images that were not able to be downloaded due to network issues, so I used this script to download the ones that were not downloaded:

# Run this Python script from within the directory where you downloaded the data
import os
import subprocess

not_found = 0
with open('IMAGE_FILENAMES') as f:
    for image in f.readlines():
        fname = image.rstrip('\n')
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            not_found += 1
            print(f"{fname} not found. Downloading")
                "gcloud", "storage", "--billing-project", "<billing-project-id>", "cp",
                 f"gs://{fname}", f"{fname}"

Verifying the data

To ensure that the data downloaded is OK, we should verify the SHA256 sum:

$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.txt  --quiet
files/p10/p10375986/s59475126/44685902-a2ada121-02735bc5-bf1bf167-adfd2ae5.jpg: FAILED
files/p11/p11131026/s59741822/08c22db9-5bef7d06-d904ec15-7bbfe57f-416dbdc1.jpg: FAILED
files/p11/p11607063/s58298420/235c7af4-ef2ba0dc-7dc251ea-a2571f33-d37c8185.jpg: FAILED
files/p11/p11785297/s58022353/3b64bf5a-021ff5ae-137c22d1-5529364f-1415c640.jpg: FAILED
files/p11/p11920643/s55676416/4d70ff33-43ad77af-22ff047c-19f6ceb1-aae49eea.jpg: FAILED
files/p13/p13283178/s55081421/026de108-3310a177-7c01791c-7eb32cff-b076122f.jpg: FAILED
files/p13/p13628037/s54872639/f845ad66-716c76dd-da718912-8b0ff596-b30d25cb.jpg: FAILED
files/p13/p13694166/s55805720/df57d48e-566984d2-fbe39e6e-0c68fc55-380f1217.jpg: FAILED
files/p14/p14656449/s56499991/67a4e5cd-50d441d3-42294f94-363ac071-17cfc342.jpg: FAILED
files/p14/p14690121/s50057475/34ad06d4-475863f1-f3712cec-783c3b99-308cf886.jpg: FAILED
files/p17/p17405329/s55291678/283084bb-0f4994a7-d7622b32-d7f18f75-d8dde41b.jpg: FAILED
files/p17/p17490145/s55463370/803fcbd8-2e38a5c7-cca96a50-ce5660cb-83ecc3a1.jpg: FAILED
files/p18/p18459824/s52186356/2eb68b2f-0742cb3d-b8c9db5b-9c9d74f9-69e31cc1.jpg: FAILED
files/p18/p18690742/s56844948/f4f63777-6a8a6b60-d6cb0718-9256537a-2ca41831.jpg: FAILED
sha256sum: WARNING: 14 computed checksums did NOT match

As you can see, there were a few mismatches.

Of course that’s not great, so I redownloaded the images once more, however the result was the same.

Finally, I decided that I will download the above files into a different directory and compare the freshly downloaded version with the originally downloaded version. Running the diff command resulted in no differences between the two versions.

I reported the issue on the MIT-LCP/mimic-code repository.